On Wednesday, September the 6th, about 40 people from the Chair of Automotive Engineering at the TU Dresden came to Hoyerswerda as part of an excursion. The first stop was the MITMACHLabor, which is currently being built on Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Str., where Sebastian Schindler from the structural change project team explained to the guests the history and future of Hoyerswerda, the image campaign #WHY! – Change in Hoyerswerda as well as the plans and goals of the MITMACHLabor as a place where future research can be experienced. Professor Günter Prokop, holder of the chair, spoke with his staff about the strategic orientation of the chair before they went to lunch at the Krabatmühle, where the guests enjoyed a guided tour of the Black Miller. Afterwards, they visited the site in the Schwarzkollm industrial estate where the Smart Mobility Lab will be built in the next few years.
The Chair of Automotive Engineering and the City of Hoyerswerda are jointly involved in both the Smart Mobility Lab and the SivaS project, of which the MITMACHLabor is a part.