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Structural change is a major joint task and involves high costs. For this reason, the federal government, the states and the EU have funding programs to support the affected regions. Hoyerswerda also benefits from this.

Our roadmap

With the ""LebensEnergieStadt"" (LifeEnergyCity) strategy, Hoyerswerda has already outlined more than 20 projects in 2019, thus laying the foundation for sustainable urban development. Thanks to this preliminary work, it was possible to secure funding and set important initial impulses.


An important goal is the creation of a solid infrastructure (traffic routes, water and energy supply, daycare centers, etc.) that forms the basis for new residents and business settlements. With the expansion of the Zeißig waterworks, an important project has already been implemented here.


Research facilities are also to be established in the Lusatian mining region. Among other things, a research campus of the TU Dresden (Smart Mobility Lab) will be set up in Hoyerswerda and developed into a supra-regional innovation center with great economic potential.

Quality of life

Equally important for successful structural change is the creation of an attractive living space with facilities for education, leisure and tourism. Here, too, there are already several projects underway in Hoyerswerda, such as the qualification of the Lausitzbad.

From a coal attitude to a can-do attitude

To meet the many challenges of structural change, the city hired six project managers thanks to funding designated for the transformation of coal-focused regions. Among other things, these managers take care of the city's projects and provide support in the development of new measures.