“Structural change in our homeland can only succeed if we all pull together,” explained Birgit Weber, Chairwoman of the Regional Monitoring Committee (RMC) of Lusatia and Deputy Mayor of the Bautzen district before the start of the meeting of the RMC, which met today in Weißwasser.
After the committee was constituted at the end of April, today’s conference was the first time that concrete projects were examined and decisions made on their eligibility for funding. To this end, the members in Weißwasser had 40 municipal projects from all areas, from public welfare to transport, culture and tourism. “We looked at and assessed all the projects in detail. Each of them was of good quality, but the decisive factor for us at all times was the fact that the projects serve structural change in our region,” said Birgit Weber. After around four hours of intensive and constructive deliberations, the RBA ultimately approved 38 projects with a total volume of around 130 million euros.
Five projects from Hoyerswerda received positive feedback:
> Hoyerswerda, Förderzentrum Hoyerswerda, roof renovation swimming pool
> Hoyerswerda, qualification of the Lausitzbad swimming pool
> Hoyerswerda, energetic renovation and modernization of the Lausitzhalle
> Hoyerswerda, Municipal energy centers Lausitz
> Hoyerswerda, Expansion of treatment capacity at Zeißig waterworks
After the Bundestag and Bundesrat cleared the way for the legislative packages on coal phase-out and structural change almost exactly a year ago, the meetings of the regional monitoring committees in the two Saxon lignite mining regions have now kicked off the process of decision-making and subsequent implementation on the ground. “Lusatia is an incredibly diverse region with people who are committed, who want to get involved. We have talked about many creative proposals and project ideas that now need to be implemented promptly,” Weber said.
The projects approved by the RBA will now be submitted to the Free State of Saxony and the federal government for a final decision. Then things can get underway on site.
The 40 municipal projects on which decisions have been made today within the framework of the RBA have been qualified and prioritized in accordance with the “Förderrichtlinie für Zuwendungen nach dem Investitionsgesetz Kohleregionen – RL InvKG”. The Regional Monitoring Committee has the core task of participating in the project selection process. Birgit Weber: “We are in a learning and constantly ongoing process. Today marks the end of our first meeting, but not of the qualification process for new projects. I know that work is already underway on other projects, which we will hopefully be able to discuss and decide on at our next RBA meeting on November 3.”
Source: https://www.medienservice.sachsen.de/medien/news/253893