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Strengthening community and living culture

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At the end of August, the thirteenth edition of the inspiring project “Stadtteilanker Bürgerwiesen” took place in Hoyerswerda’s Neustadt. 126 interested guests came despite the rainy weather. The “#WHY!-Team” was also present with an information stand. Here, not only were exciting conversations held, but also insights into Hoyerswerda’s structural change were given. The lively participation shows how important such initiatives are for the local community.

The project “Stadtteilanker” is about creating socio-cultural “citizens’ fairs”Bürgerwiesen” in different residential areas that bring people together and ensure cultural diversity. Networking between providers, associations and institutions creates low-threshold cultural offers for families. Residents are actively approached in order to promote a lively community through neighbourhood and children’s festivals as well as informal picnic meetings. The “citizens’ meadows”Bürgerwiesen” serve as a platform to make information and offers of help from various partners directly tangible. These innovative citizens’ festivals break down barriers and encourage residents to take advantage of the city’s diverse cultural offerings. The cooperation of different actors also strengthens the community and promotes cohesion across the city.