Making people in Hoyerswerda, in the region and beyond aware of the complex process of structural change, showing them what challenges but above all what opportunities are involved and at the same time demonstrating how the vision of a “new Hoyerswerda” can become a reality together is an enormous responsibility and a major communicative task. The political reasons and causes must be presented as well as the approaches to solutions and the individual projects. The most important information is to be prepared and transported in an understandable way. “It is important to us to create transparency and to take the people of Hoyerswerda and the region with us,” says Hoyerswerda’s mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh.
A first important step is the inauguration of the Info Center on Structural Change in the atrium of the Old Town Hall. Around 50 guests from politics, business and education were present on March 23, 2022, when Mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh, Dr. Gerd Lippold, State Secretary in the Saxon Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture (SMEKUL) and Dr. Tilman Werner, Managing Director of the Saxon Energy Agency (SAENA GmbH), ceremoniously opened the Info Center with the new traveling exhibition “Renewable Energies”.
In the Info Center, visitors can inform themselves via displays and “analog” information about the initial situation and current challenges, but also about the strategy of the city of Hoyerswerda. Already tangible projects are described and the possibility is opened to become active oneself. The connection to education, art and culture also plays an important role. “In addition to the multimedia info points, other highlights await visitors. For example, we were able to incorporate works by three young female artists from the Léon Foucault High School. Conversations were held with them, which can be listened to on a smartphone via QR code. In this way, we also provide a youthful view of our transformation in Hoyerswerda,” says Christian Hoffmann, Head of Economic Development and Public Relations.
“This place will not only be an information platform for structural change, but also a place for learning. For example, we would also like to enter into discussion here with school classes as well as the surrounding communities and work out topics relating to structural change,” said Mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh at the opening. In his speech, Dr. Gerd Lippold referred to the great importance of successful structural change: “The expansion of renewable energies is not only part of the necessary energy turnaround and serves not only to protect the climate and our livelihoods, but also, as is currently being drastically demonstrated to us, to protect our European sovereignty and our security.”
Premiere of the traveling exhibition “Renewable Energies” of the Saxon Energy Agency.
The opening of the Info Center also marks the inauguration of SAENA GmbH’s new traveling exhibition, which will be on display at the Info Center until April 6, 2022.
The new traveling exhibition provides an initial overview of the topics of climate change, energy transition and renewable energy plants with special reference to the Free State of Saxony. The aim is to provide visitors with an easy introduction to the topic and encourage them to take a closer look at structural change. With in-depth specialist brochures to take away and digital offerings, visitors are given a good overview of what are often very complex and challenging topics.
“In the traveling exhibition, we have tried to present the various facets of renewable energies. The future energy supply will look different than it has in the past, and all potentials must be used for this. As the Saxon Energy Agency, we want to enter into dialogue, be a contact partner and offer service,” said Dr. Tilman Werner from SAENA GmbH. Mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh adds: “We are proud to be the starting point of this great traveling exhibition. In terms of content, it fits perfectly in our Info Center and shows how important supraregional cooperation is.”
On March 23, Saxony’s Secretary of State for Energy, Dr. Gerd Lippold, presented the city of Hoyerswerda with a digital toolbox currently containing 13 offers to support local renewable energy projects and communication and participation processes. There are also guides on wind energy and open-space photovoltaic systems.
In addition to Hoyerswerda, all Saxon municipalities will receive access to these tools this week. As if that were not enough, the staff of the Renewable Energy Dialogue and Service Center – located at the Saxon Energy Agency (SAENA GmbH) – will analyze different local interests as needed, point out room for maneuver and provide support in the implementation of RE projects.
The Info Center will be constantly developed and filled with information offers. A regular visit is therefore worthwhile.