There have already been several education conferences in Hoyerswerda, resulting in the concept of the new secondary school, for example. The education conference on Monday, May 2, had the declared goal of understanding education as an essential building block of successful structural change. Thus, the event operated under the title “Education: Engine for Change and Growth”. More than 150 representatives from politics, business, education and urban society accepted the invitation of the city of Hoyerswerda to face the major challenges of the future together.
While structural change is manifesting itself in concrete projects and will gradually become visible in the cityscape, it is now clear to those involved that social factors play a decisive role in all of this. Thus, the sustainable design of the landscape, the economy and energy production requires, above all, people: People who like to live, reside and work here and enliven the region with their ideas. It is a matter of influencing the demographic development of Hoyerswerda in such a way that people stay here or come (back) here.
To achieve this, people need to be picked up as early as the educational process. For example, young people should actively participate in structural change through their own projects and deal with the issues of the future. On the other hand, education itself can be a field of the future by creating attractive opportunities for study and practice. Targeted projects in the fields of urban development, architecture, modern living and energy can become a feature that attracts researchers here.
“Vocational education itself also needs to change and go with the change, such as the nursing professions and the construction professions, because in both industries we will see automation and digitalization,” said Mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh during a panel discussion on Monday. He, too, firmly believes that soft location factors are the key to making the city fit for the future. Likewise, youth should be given a stronger voice in the future.
Dr. Wilfried Kruse, coordinator of the Weinheim Initiative AG and spokesman for the Hoyerswerda Education Advisory Board, appreciates the social internal climate in the city, although this still needs to be expanded. He referred to the „Helle Köpfe“ report, which strategically names future fields such as multigenerational living, networked health services, energy, culture, education and much more – structural change must be thought of in these categories, he said.
“Why not establish an academy here?” asked Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mack of the Ludwigsburg University of Education in his presentation. Hoyerswerda could certainly become a university location, for example as a branch. The area of continuing education also offers great potential. Schools also need to be rethought; young people should be able to try things out, discover new things and get involved. He sees structural change as an informal educational occasion: everyone should get involved in the spirit of lifelong learning.
Christian Piwarz, Saxon Minister of State for Education and Cultural Affairs, was impressed in his presentation by Hoyerswerda’s diverse educational landscape and the great interest shown by all stakeholders in reaching a joint understanding on future fields of action.
In the afternoon, the conference participants met in various working groups to discuss joint projects. They will be supported in their implementation by the Education Coordination Office. A second education conference will be held in a year’s time to look at what has been achieved so far.
More on the topic of education can be found HERE