How can civic participation succeed in structural change? This was the central question addressed by participants at the conference “Civic Engagement in Structural Change” on December 09, 2022. More than 30 citizens, experts, decision-makers and representatives of civil society organizations came to the Brigitte Reimann Library to discuss how to create a broader understanding of the city’s plans for the future and involve more people in the diverse decision-making processes.
After the opening by Lord Mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh, there were interesting impulse presentations. For example, Thomas Haidan from the Saxon Agency for Structural Development gave a very informative insight into the background of structural change. From climate change and the coal phase-out to the legal and subsidy framework conditions, the overall process was clearly explained. An important key message was that the structural development funds provided are intended to strengthen the framework conditions for business settlements in the affected municipalities. The focus here is on hard and soft location factors. Using the example of various structural change projects in Hoyerswerda, such as the Neustadtforum or the Lausitzbad, Thomas Haidan also explained how the approval process for the subsidies works.
In another presentation, Christoph Biele from the Sächsisches Landeskuratorium Ländlicher Raum e. V. explained the Simul+Mitmachfonds. This is a competition of the Free State of Saxony that supports the development and implementation of project ideas on site in Saxon regions. Citizens, associations and companies as well as cities and municipalities from all over Saxony can receive financial support for their ideas and innovative concepts. Since it concerns prize money and not subsidies, accordingly no own means are needed. Hoyerswerda was also cited as a positive example here, as several players were able to convince with their ideas in this year’s competition. For example, the city itself received an award for its communication strategy “#WHY! – Change in Hoyerswerda” in the Municipality module 100.000 €.
In the group work that followed, the topic of “Rail2L – Lusatia on the Train” in particular met with great interest. Martin Arnhold from the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO) provided information about the project, the core idea of which is to realize an extension of the S-Bahn S 8 between Dresden and Kamenz via Bernsdorf and Hoyerswerda on to Spremberg and Cottbus. If possible, the whole thing is to be financed by the federal government’s structural strengthening program. Another group dealt with the German Center for Astrophysics (DZA). Prof. Dr. Christian Stegmann and Dr. Maria Krause from the DZA gave insights into the project and showed what a great opportunity the large-scale research center is for Hoyerswerda and the region. Where research is becoming increasingly important, good education is the prerequisite. Fittingly, Hoyerswerda is strongly positioned in this area. And so Evelyn Scholz and Jens Leschner from RAA Hoyerswerda Ostsachsen provided information in the third group on the topic of “Education as an engine”.
For most of the guests, the meeting was mainly of an informative nature. A lot of interesting and exciting information was imparted and in some cases concerns were reduced. In the coming year, there will be more events of this kind to reach even more people in Hoyerswerda and the region.
The event was organized as part of the project “Open Workshop of Democracy” in cooperation between the Brigitte Reimann City Library and the City of Hoyerswerda. Since January 2022, the project of the Brigitte Reimann City Library Hoyerswerda, “Open Workshop of Democracy” has been running. This is funded by the program Places of Democracy by the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality.