Seven halls, 1,887 exhibitors and almost 40,000 visitors from 73 countries. That was EXPO Real 2022 in Munich, the international trade fair for real estate and investment. For the first time, the city of Hoyerswerda was there as an exhibitor. In the weeks before, the trade fair visit was well prepared, municipal real estate offers were compiled, project ideas were developed, postcards were printed as information material and a landing page was set up on
On October 4th, 2022, the time had come. Mayor Torsten Ruban-Zeh and the project managers Sarah Stötzner and Marco Bloch set off for Munich. The destination was the joint stand of the Free State of Saxony in Hall A2. During the three-day trade fair, many conversations were held, contact details were exchanged and information material was handed out to potential investors. The list of exhibitors was reviewed and suitable partners were visited at their respective stands in order to establish contacts and actively offer the location Hoyerswerda.
The highlight was a presentation by Mayor Ruban-Zeh on the second day of the fair in the Forum. In his presentation, he first went into detail about Hoyerswerda as a location, its economic situation, educational opportunities and demographic development, before presenting the LebensEnergieStadt strategy. The audience was informed about the planned structural change projects, whereby the German Center for Astrophysics and the state project Smart Mobility Lab were not left unmentioned. In his presentation, the head of the town hall was able to show that Hoyerswerda assumes responsibility for its citizens and surrounding communities, is closely intertwined with politics and business, and is looking positively into the future.
Hoyerswerda’s city leader draws a positive balance: “With our numerous projects from the LebensEnergieStadt, we are broadly positioned and fit for the future. Supported by our structural change project managers, we have the human resources to implement complex municipal projects. This also radiates out to our surrounding communities.”
Marco Bloch also draws a positive conclusion: “In addition to many impressions and informative discussions, we can state that Hoyerswerda was very well represented in terms of personnel and content and that the city was optimally presented. In addition, we made new contacts and were able to understand how ‘the market ticks'”. The results of the trade fair contacts will become apparent in the coming weeks and months.
Photos: Messe Munich