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A heavy legacy

Since the events in the fall of 1991, the name Hoyerswerda has been synonymous with xenophobia and intolerance. However, the past 30 years paint a different picture of the city.


Despite the major challenges the city faces due to demographic trends, there are many efforts and visible successes in creating a characteristically urban public life.

Educational work

Promoting education and democracy awareness are important tasks. These topics are being tackled with the help of numerous participants and projects in Hoyerswerda. Decades of experience and great commitment are bearing more and more fruit.

Civil courage

Many participants in the city are committed to a coexistence characterized by openness and respect. Especially the initiative for civil courage (Initiative Zivilcourage) enriches city life with various projects and partners while promoting broad civic engagement.

Be part of the change you want to see

"Ask not what your city can do for you, but what you can do for your city." Numerous voluntary participants in Hoyerswerda follow this motto. In the city-participation initiative (Initiative MitMachStadt), many of them have joined forces to further advance the city with creativity and commitment.