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City Council

The work of a city council should not be taken for granted. Elected citizens volunteer a lot of time and energy for their city. In Hoyerswerda, you can even follow the meetings on live streams.

Get a conversation going

Citizens should be involved in political decision-making processes in various ways. A mutual exchange is a prerequisite for involvement. In addition to regular residents' meetings, formats such as "Ask the Mayor" therefore also take place.

Youth-forward thinking

Who says youth and politics don't fit? They do, and youth participation is vital for the sustainable development of the city. In Hoyerswerda, there is a youth city council for exactly this reason. It organizes joint projects and advises the city council on matters that are important for young people.

A municipal pioneer

Hoyerswerda was selected as one of only five municipalities for the nationwide model project "Shaping the Future Together Locally - Municipal Development Advisory Boards (KEB)" (Gemeinsam vor Ort Zukunft gestalten – Kommunale Entwicklungsbeiräte). As part of this project, a special participation format is being set up to make recommendations to politicians.

Innercity heroes

There is a strong network of innercity stakeholders. These participants discuss and develop ideas and projects in the Center Advisory Board to further positively develop the center. The whole thing is coordinated by two center managers who look after the old and new towns.