Electromobility is the key to climate-friendly mobility and innovation worldwide. In local public transport (LPT), e-mobility is picking up speed and becoming increasingly important.
Electric mobility will also receive a new spark in Hoyerswerda: The goal of the Transport Company Hoyerswerda is to completely electrify the city’s public transport system. An important building block for this is the structural change project called “Expansion of the public transport services of the city of Hoyerswerda by using modern electric buses”. Here, the first eight electric buses and the charging infrastructure for the Transport Company Hoyerswerda depot are being procured. The association with Hoyerswerda’s public utilities company (Versorgungsbetriebe Hoyerswerda GmbH) within the framework of municipal commercial enterprises Hoyerswerda (Städtische Wirtschaftsbetriebe Hoyerswerda GmbH) offers optimal conditions to use regional value chains in the form of “green electricity”.
There was already a two-week test phase with the “IKARUS CITY PIONEER” in October 2021. With this test deployment, the public utilities company gained further electrical driving experience and used the findings for the structural change project “Electric Bus Hoyerswerda.”
The LAUSITZWELLE reported on 13.10.2021 about it.
Project executing agency: | Verkehrsgesellschaft Hoyerswerda mbH |
Project volume: | approx. 9,28 million € |
Implementation period: | 2023 – 2024 |
Funded by: | Coal Region Investment Act (InvKG) |
Source: https://sas-sachsen.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/Pressemappe_20220601.pdf